Packaging prototype | 2014

Bombón Gelato Case Study


It was a product that took place in the company Il Mondo del Gelato, a brand of ice cream parlors founded in 2002 located in Venezuela. It is a brand that experienced during the time several changes in its image as in its corporate structure with the purpose of expanding in the market inside and outside the country.

The idea of this product was developed due to the demands of local and foreign consumers, where the influence of social networks was also present, the beginning of the diaspora of Venezuelan citizens returning to the city, therefore, the brand tried to be at the forefront to please demanding palates.

Problem definition

Methods were used to collect information about the experience of its consumers, so during an analysis of the customer satisfaction surveys, indicators were shown where the need to include a new product was evident, starting a careful evaluation of those situations or details in the service where to improve to focus on the causes:
  • Trends in social networks.
  • Increased consumer expectations.
  • The competition.
  • Decreased quality.
  • Price reduction.
  • Decrease in factory staff.

What can be improved?

Ideas for improvements for a growth in the system and techniques in the production department emerged with the incorporation of innovation:
  • New method of the production.
  • Evaluate the talent of the staff present.
  • Evaluate budgets.
  • Alliance with a supplier.
  • Equipments.

How can it be achieved?

To carry out the goals on the changes in operability, the following objectives were defined to be met:
  • Exploit some ingredient that is part of products.
  • Hiring a specialized teacher.
  • Innovate on the manufacture of a product.
  • Material tests.

A new product!

During the inspection of the quality of the materials it was decided that the product would be chocolates and after tests it was determined the presentation of these with ice cream fillings in different flavors and chocolates in bars, a product that would not be outside the scheme of the specialty of the brand that is the manufacture of ice cream.



Fitness Coach

She is a Venezuelan public figure who resides in Miami, USA. Their job is to promote motivation, healthy living, good nutrition and sport.

Is a person who expects a good experience in the service when receiving the invitation as part of the tourist route and that their references can influence consumers.


Social Communicator

He likes to enjoy moments between friends and family, he is a young man who is always interested in novelties, he decides to go somewhere to enjoy a drink, lunch with co-workers or his partner where he has the opportunity to try the different desserts. He is the type of customer who frequents the main headquarters since his place of work is very close and he feels with a degree of privilege for his perseverance and for being known by the servers of the store.

It bothers him to have to wait of the crowd of customers and he despairs to observe that something is wrong and that it is not common, so those situations make him compare the service with better experiences he has lived in other places.



She has had the opportunity to have entered the ice cream factory with the scheduled school visits, she knows that ice cream is popular.

She frequents the store few times, but almost always does it to have an ice cream with her family and leave quickly, she prefers to make home orders since she does not like the crowds, but many times she feels the need to ask for something else to take home or a detail to a work meeting, something different.


The marketing department developed a market study to know the advantages and disadvantages to carry out the different stages of production and the integration of strategies during the process.
Tests were applied for a few weeks and surveys in some consumers to know the degree of acceptance and in a short time a constant demand was achieved that determined a preference due to the authenticity in the creation of this product.

Pieces of design

The chocolates began to be very popular so at first only the design for printed was created to present the stuffed chocolates and a new dessert where it also included chocolates.

Why is it necessary?

Indeed, the increase in chocolate production generated many expectations in the service initiating a stage to propose designs to promote sales as well as a presentation for the use of a packaging, while the filled chocolates due to the need for refrigeration were decided to sell only within the stores at that time.


  • Small size.
  • Easy to open.
  • Use Il mondo del Gelato products style.
  • Water-resistant material.
  • Preservation of the product at medium temperatures.
  • High-resolution printing.


For this process, sketches and initial models were generated to present the dimensions of the packaging. During the evaluation of the production, the final size, wrapping quality, quantity of bars per package were determined.
Proposals on the wrapping for the bar bonbon were also included, analyzing different types of materials the correct refrigeration, maintaining the flavor of the product and the quality of the printing.


A mockup of the final design was presented with the actual dimensions of the packaging and wrapping of the chocolate bars.
Therefore, the importance of making decisions to be innovative in the creation of products and stay in time is an aspect where a study is required; taking into account the factor of the consumer experience is key since these indicators determine the values of a company and weaknesses, to maintain the unique characteristics of an excellent brand.

¡Thanks for watch!